Network Assurance Platform from Starr Consulting Services
A web-based, compliance and risk management tool for airlines
Aligns to management system principles
Providing remote assurance of operations across diverse regional or global networks.
Offering organisations the ability to record, monitor, mitigate, analyse and measure the network safety risks to which they are exposed
Includes functionality that is ideal for the complexities of managing network assurance which relies upon third party input and multiple sources of information
Streamlining operations to your advantage:
- Traditional checklists can be automated for deployment across the network
- Monitoring questions required to be answered can be allocated to the various processes and/or stakeholders at each network airport
- Completed answers can be reviewed across both individual and multiple stations and/or by each process
- Completion status of monitoring questions are clearly displayed
- Controls that have been implemented, and their effectiveness, are displayed
- Charts generated to show completion status of monitoring questions
- Heat maps generated to display risk levels
- Interactive mapping of the network shows the status of the controls geographically
- Traffic light system employed to convey risk exposure
- Multiple assurance requirements are addressed simultaneously and in real-time
- Assessment of network assurance is linked to the airline’s safety and risk management systems
Contact us to arrange a discussion with the
relevant expert member of the SCS team.
Head of Starr Consulting Services
Matt Williams
Phone: +44 020 7337 1261
Email: matt.williams@starrcompanies.com
Matt Williams
Phone: +44 020 7337 1261
Email: matt.williams@starrcompanies.com