Engineering the strategy to manage complex risks
Starr’s construction team provide insurance solutions for clients and their brokers across the whole construction industry.
We use our global expertise and experience to provide broad coverage for both the material damage and business interruption exposures. As our marketplace has changed dramatically over the last 10 – 15 years, Starr has remained as one of the lead markets within this sector.
Risk Appetite
- Manufacturing Plants
- Wastewater & Desalination Plants
- Power Plants
- Renewable Energy
- Hydropower Plants
- Oil Gas, Chemical & Petrochemical Plants
- Commercial Buildings – Apartments, Hotels, Shopping Malls & Multi-story
- Institutional Buildings – Hospitals & Offices
- Sports Arenas & Stadiums
- Renewable Energy
- Infrastructure – Airports, Highways, Bridges, Rail Lines, Tunnels, Heavy Civil Works & Water Distribution
Market Leading Capacity
Starr has meaningful lead capacity across the spectrum of construction
Key Competencies
- Global market knowledge
- Cross-class capabilities
- Network of industry-specific strategic partners
- Adept at responding to changes in market conditions
- Continuous investment in construction people & systems
- Insurance designed to meet the needs of the construction industry
Coverages described herein are underwritten by Starr Underwriting Agents Limited on behalf of Starr Managing Agents Limited (Lloyd’s Syndicate CVS 1919), Starr International (Europe) Limited and UK Branch of Starr Europe Insurance Limited. Starr Insurance is a marketing name for the operating insurance and travel assistance companies and subsidiaries of Starr International Company, Inc. and for the investment business of C. V. Starr & Co., Inc. and its subsidiaries. The coverages described in this document are only a brief description of available insurance coverage. It is intended for general information purposes only and does not provide any guidance regarding specific coverage available or any claim made thereunder. Any policy described herein will contain limitations, exclusions and termination provisions. Not all coverages are available in all jurisdictions. For costs and complete details of specific policy coverage, please contact an insurance professional by sending an email to the address provided above.
Coverages described herein are underwritten by Starr Underwriting Agents Limited on behalf of Starr Managing Agents Limited (Lloyd’s Syndicate CVS 1919), Starr International (Europe) Limited and UK Branch of Starr Europe Insurance Limited. Starr Insurance is a marketing name for the operating insurance and travel assistance companies and subsidiaries of Starr International Company, Inc. and for the investment business of C. V. Starr & Co., Inc. and its subsidiaries. The coverages described in this document are only a brief description of available insurance coverage. It is intended for general information purposes only and does not provide any guidance regarding specific coverage available or any claim made thereunder. Any policy described herein will contain limitations, exclusions and termination provisions. Not all coverages are available in all jurisdictions. For costs and complete details of specific policy coverage, please contact an insurance professional by sending an email to the address provided above.