Providing your business with insurance protection in unpredictable foreign climates
Political & financial risks coverage is designed to protect an Insured’s assets, income and property from monetary loss including equity investments, cross-border loans, physical assets and more.
Risk Appetite
For Corporates or Project Developers looking to mitigate political risks to their investments or assets:
- Confiscation, Expropriation, Nationalisation
- Expropriation related perils including Forced Abandonment, Forced Divestiture, Selective Discrimination, Political Violence and License Cancellation
- Arbitration Award Default
- Currency Inconvertibility / Non-transfer
- Mobile Asset / Comprehensive Contractors’ Plant and Equipment (CCPE)
For Financial Institutions, Importers and Exporters, Project Developers and Contractors looking to mitigate non-payment risk on loans or contracts due to political risk perils:
- Comprehensive non-payment of loans or sales contracts with government buyers
- Contract frustration following political events
- Non-honouring of sovereign obligations / Quasi-sovereign obligations
- Pre / post shipment or delivery due to political risk perils (War / Civil War; SRCC, Blockade, License cancellation)
Market Leading Capacity
- Up to USD 50m for any one risk with higher limits available through syndication
- Able to us either Company or Syndicate paper
- Coverage can be on a Primary, Excess or Quota Share basis
Key Competencies
- Ability to offer longer-term coverages of up to 10 years
- Policies are tailored to each individual risk
- We offer coverage for political risks across the globe
Coverages described herein are underwritten by Starr Underwriting Agents Limited on behalf of Starr Managing Agents Limited (Lloyd’s Syndicate CVS 1919), Starr International (Europe) Limited and UK Branch of Starr Europe Insurance Limited. Starr Insurance is a marketing name for the operating insurance and travel assistance companies and subsidiaries of Starr International Company, Inc. and for the investment business of C. V. Starr & Co., Inc. and its subsidiaries. The coverages described in this document are only a brief description of available insurance coverage. It is intended for general information purposes only and does not provide any guidance regarding specific coverage available or any claim made thereunder. Any policy described herein will contain limitations, exclusions and termination provisions. Not all coverages are available in all jurisdictions. For costs and complete details of specific policy coverage, please contact an insurance professional by sending an email to the address provided above.
Coverages described herein are underwritten by Starr Underwriting Agents Limited on behalf of Starr Managing Agents Limited (Lloyd’s Syndicate CVS 1919), Starr International (Europe) Limited and UK Branch of Starr Europe Insurance Limited. Starr Insurance is a marketing name for the operating insurance and travel assistance companies and subsidiaries of Starr International Company, Inc. and for the investment business of C. V. Starr & Co., Inc. and its subsidiaries. The coverages described in this document are only a brief description of available insurance coverage. It is intended for general information purposes only and does not provide any guidance regarding specific coverage available or any claim made thereunder. Any policy described herein will contain limitations, exclusions and termination provisions. Not all coverages are available in all jurisdictions. For costs and complete details of specific policy coverage, please contact an insurance professional by sending an email to the address provided above.